Each and every one of us contains a biochemistry that is unique. Determining which foods are biochemically supportive for you is imperative to making positive changes for your mental and physical health.  Nutritional coaching is more than education because changing eating habits is hard!  Work with me to meet your goals.

Nutritious food has the power to transform your life. 

Your eating habits have a huge influence on how you feel on a daily basis. Certain foods create inflammation in the body, while other foods break down into nutrients that are needed for your physical structure, such as muscle and connective tissue. Other nutrients are used for proper functioning, like hormones, neurotransmitters and fuel for energy. 

Some foods hurt us, while other foods nourish us. 

What is healthy for me may not be healthy for you. Each and every one of us contains a biochemistry that is unique. Determining which foods are biochemically supportive for you is imperative to making positive changes for your mental and physical health. 

Nutritional coaching is more than education. Changing engrained eating habits can be very challenging. 

Together we will uncover what is holding your health back and look at your individual concerns and goals.  While education is a valuable piece, it is often not enough to create change. I will also provide gentle encouragement, accountability and support when you need it. 

Lifestyle & Nutrition Package

If you are interested in achieving a healthy weight, creating optimal energy or healing an imbalance or illness, I can help get you there.

a. Three 1 hour meetings (in person, skype or phone) including, initial meeting to discuss your individual goals and concerns

b. Three day menu plan & a set of nutrition and lifestyle recommendations based on individual goals, discussed at meeting 2 & 3

c. Targeted between session homework to deepen the learning and create powerful changes

d.  A personal nutritional and wellness coach that will provide support, challenge and keep you inspired! You have access to email support in between meetings. 

Program Cost: $300/2-3 months

A-la-carte Meet-up

a. One time meet-up

b. Receive nutrition & lifestyle recommendations 

c. Accèss to the7 Day Whole Body Reboot Challenge

Cost for first meeting: $110

Subsequent meetings $60